Pietro De Perini


email: pietro.deperini@unipd.it

Pietro de Perini, Ph.D in International Politics (City, University of London), is a researcher in international politics at the Department of Political Sciences, Law and International Studies of the University of Padua, where he teaches 'Human Rights in International Politics' ( in the Master's Degree in Human Rights and Multi-level Governance) and 'International Relations' (in the Bachelor's Degree in Political Sciences, International Relations and Human Rights).
He is co-director and member of the research group of the Annuario italiano dei Diritti Umani/Italian Yearbook of Human Rights, managing editor of the journal Peace Human Rights Governance (Padova University Press) and associate editor of the International Journal of Human Rights (London, Routledge ) and of the scientific journal Sudeuropa, edited by the ISESP of the Mediterranean University of Reggio Calabria.
Research interests include human rights, peace and multilateralism; promotion of peace and human rights in the foreign policy of states and the European Union, the role of civil society for the promotion of peace and human rights and for the functioning of multilateralism; the promotion and protection of culture in international politics, with particular attention to the dynamics of intercultural and interreligious dialogue.

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