Noemi Lanna

Associate professor


Noemi Lanna is associate professor of Modern and Contemporary History of Japan and Japan in the International system at the University of Naples “L’Orientale”. She holds a Master of Arts in Social Sciences (Hitotsubashi University) and a Ph.D. in Asian studies (University of Naples “L’Orientale”). She served as a postgraduate Monbukagakushō fellow at Hitotsubashi University (1998-2000), “visiting Ph.D. candidate” at the Center for International Studies of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2003-4), adjunct professor for the postgraduate course “Expert in internationalization of enterprises with knowledge of Oriental Languages”, Italian Institute for International Commerce (2004-2011), visiting professor of the KUPES Programme, Kobe University (2016), and visiting professor for the Erasmus staff mobility for teaching programme at Ruhr Universitat Bochum (2019).

Her research interests focus on international history of East Asia and on modern and contemporary history of Japan, with particular reference to postwar intellectual history. Peace is a cross-cutting theme in her research, which has focused on Japanese pacifist thought (notably, the figure of Oda Makoto), the relationship between civil and military power in modern and contemporary Japan, and the role of the norm of anti-militarism in postwar Japanese foreign policy.

Her latest publications include: K. Sakai, N. Lanna (eds.), Migration in Asia. A Multilevel Analysis, Routledge, London and New York, 2022; “Nations in a Showcase: A Comparative Perspective on the Italian National Jubilee (1961) and the Meiji Centennial (1968)”, Asiatische Studien/Études Asiatiques, n.75:2 (2021).

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