Mirko Sossai

Associate professor

email: mirko.sossai@uniroma3.it

Mirko Sossai is Associate Professor of international law at the Law Department of Roma Tre University. Previously, he was research fellow at the Faculty of Law of the LUISS Guido Carli university (2006-08).

He holds a PhD in international law and EU law from the University of Siena (2005) and a degree cum laude in international relations from the University of Padua (2001).

He currently teaches public international law, law of international organizations and advanced international law at the Department of Law of the Roma Tre University. Between 2012 and 2018, he offered a course on international human rights law.

He is a member of the Academic board of the PhD programme in legal studies of the Law Department, Roma Tre University.

His research interests focus on human rights, international humanitarian law and the law of international organizations, including the topic of the access to justice in international law. Professor Sossai has a long-standing interest in the responsibility and accountability of non-state actors for human rights violations, particularly with respect to the due diligence obligations of the private sector. His publications on the international regulation of private military and security companies (PMSCs) have been widely cited by leading academics in the field and by expert of international and non-governmental organizations.

He has been co-rapporteur of the study group of the ILA (International Law Association) on the topic ‘UN sanctions and international law’. He is currently a co-rapporteur of the ILA Committee on ‘Urbanisation and international law’.

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