Matteo Gerlini



Degree in Political Science from the University of Florence, PhD in History of International Relations from the same University, where he was a research fellow and contract lecturer. He taught political history and scientific research at the Special School for Archivists and Librarians of the Sapienza University of Rome. Visiting Fellow at the History and Civilisation Department of the European University Institute (2009), with a project on European cooperation on fast breeder reactors. Representative of the University of Siena in the International Network for Nuclear Security Education, a partnership promoted by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Delegate to the EU Consortium for Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (2010-2016). Member of the Italian delegation to the Steering Committee of the Nuclear Energy Agency - Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2015-16). Since 2017, he has presented the EURATOM Communication on the History of Nuclear Safeguards at the annual course of the European Safeguards Research and Development Association (ESARDA). Representative of Italy in the Independent Scientific Evaluation Group (ISEG) of the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (since 2018). Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the NATO Defence College Foundation (since 2019) and member of the Board of the same Foundation. Taiwan Fellow, National Defence University and National Chengchi University (Taipei, 2020). Visiting Fellow at the Alcide De Gasperi Centre of the European University Institute (from 2021), granted by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, for a project on the history of nuclear research in EURATOM. Consultant of the European Nuclear Education Network for the Master in International Nuclear Safeguards of the Politecnico di Milano (2021-2023). Chairman of the International Network for Nuclear Safety Education (2022-2023) and leadership member of the same (2021-2024), he has given lectures and presentations at Italian and international universities, such as Pompeu Fabra University and Keio University (Tokyo). Director of the Training on Radiological and International Nuclear Security (TRAINS) project, granted by NEA-OECD in the frame of NEST program.

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