Massimo De Giuseppe

Full professor


Full professor of contemporary history at the Department of Humanistic Studies of Iulm University; Rector's delegate for inclusion, disability and psychological counseling; director of the Euresis research center and of the Culture and Sustainability Center; head for the CdS of Arts of the faculty of Arts and tourism. I represent my university in the Runipace network where I coordinate the working group for peace teaching in universities.
I am currently a member of the management committee of “Contemporanea” (ed. Il Mulino), of the editorial staff of “Modernism” (ed. Morcelliana) and “Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation”. I am part of the scientific committee of the “Revista de historia social y de las mentalidades” and I am a member of the steering committee of the Asociación de Historiadores Europeos de América latina (AHILA). I in charge of the "Americhe" series for the publisher il Mulino and I'm a member of the Academia Mexicana de la Historia, correspondent of the Real de Espana.
At the center of my studies are the theme of international history, social, religious and peace movements, between political and cultural dimensions and impact on public opinion. In particular, he dedicated himself to two main lines of research. The first refers to the relationships between institutions, society and religion between America and Europe, with particular attention to the case of Mexico and Central America. The second concerns political and religious actors, groups and associations linked to the peace movement, third worldism, international cooperation and the protection of human rights. In this area he focused in particular on the Cold War season and on the intertwining of the bipolar and dynamic logics of decolonization and Third Worldism, as well as on the construction of transnational networks and the impact of non-European events on Italian society. Over the years I've collaborated on numerous research projects, including Prin, participating, designing and coordinating international conferences and seminars (in Italy, Europe and the Americas). Among my books I remember: Giorgio La Pira. Un sindaco e le vie della pace (Itl, Milan 2000), Messico 1900-1930. Stato, Chiesa, popoli indigeni (Morcelliana, Brescia 2007), winner of Desiderio Pirovano Prize by Istituto Luigi Sturzo di Roma, La rivoluzione messicana (il Mulino, Bologna 2013), L'altra America. I cattolici italiani e l'America latina (Morcelliana, Brescia 2017), con G. La Bella, Storia dell'America latina contemporanea (il Mulino, Bologna 2019 e Turner, Madrid 2021), La diplomazia delle città. Giorgio La Pira e la Federazione mondiale delle città gemellate (Polistampa, Florence 2022).

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