Marilena Dellavalle

Associate professor


Marilena Dellavalle is currently an associate professor in the Department of Cultures, Politics and Society at the University of Turin, where she chairs the Graduate Program in Social Work and where she holds the following teachings: Principles and Foundations of Social Work (9 cfu); Methods and Techniques of Social Work (9 cfu); and Social Work and Families (3 cfu).
Registered in Section A Social Workers Specialists of the Unified Register of Social Workers, she has practiced in public services; from 1994 to 2008 she worked as a trainer and supervisor in the field of social services, on a freelance basis. She held, for a total of 13 years, the position of honorary judge at the Juvenile Court of Turin, upon appointment and renewal of the Superior Council of the Magistracy.
His research interests include: history of social service thought; historical paths and current challenges of the professionalization process; social service training; child protection and parenting support, with special reference to the interaction between juvenile judiciary and psycho-social services.
His most recent publications include
- Editor:
˗ for publisher Viella, with Guido Melis, (2023). " Le radici del Welfare. La Prima
Conferenza Internazionale di Parigi, 1928" ( 2023); e con Elisabetta Vezzosi (2018)
"Immaginare il futuro. Servizio sociale di comunità e community development in Italia
˗ for publisher Giappichelli, with Roberto Albano e Cesare Bianciardi, (2021, 2°).
"Metodologia della ricerca e servizio sociale." Torino: Giappichelli.
˗ (2023) with Giovanni Cellini," Rethinking Social Work Education in Italy in Light of the
Pandemic: An Overview and a Focus on Fieldwork Education". In Y. Latzer & L.
Shklarski, (Eds.). Social Work Education and the COVID-19 Pandemic: International
Insights toward Innovation and Creativity. Routledge, London, UK, pp. 100- 122.
˗ (2022) with Giovanni Cellini, "Professionalism and Training Needs of Social Work Between
Theoretical and Practical Knowledge". In: «Italian Journal of Sociology of
Education», 14(1), 207-226. DOI: 10.14658/pupj-ijse-2022-1-1.
˗ (2022, 2°), with Giovanni Cellini," Il processo di aiuto del servizio sociale. Prospettive
metodologiche," Torino: Giappichelli.

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