Maria Chiara Giorda

Associate professor


MARIA CHIARA GIORDA is an associate professor of History of Religions at the Department of Humanistic Studies at Roma Tre University. She is coordinator of the international project "SHARP Lab," and is a member of the École Française d'Athènes Project, "Interactions, juxtapositions, imbrications religieuses dans les Balkans (XX-XXIe siècles)" and of the Permanent Seminar on "Religious Diversity in Italian Urban History" (RDIUH), sponsored by New York University and Roma Tre. His research focuses on the following topics: history of religions, geography of religions, religion and urban spaces, shared religious places, and history of monasticism. Among his latest publications: The Romanian Orthodox Church in Italy. For a historical-religious geography. Viella: Rome (Studies and Research. University of Roma Tre) and with Marian Burchardt, Geography of Encounters: The Making and Unmaking Spaces. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

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