Lorena Milani

Full professor

email: lorena.milani@unito.it

Lorena Milani is full professor in the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences; you were a member of the Doctorate in Pedagogy from 2001-2002 until the establishment of the Doctorate in Pedagogical, Anthropological and Educational Sciences (SPAE) of which you are currently a member and teacher. For the SPAE Doctorate she was Vice-Coordinator for the Educational Sciences section for 9 years, teacher and tutor. She has tutored six doctoral students. She is Presidenta Adjunta CESPE (Centro Latinoamericano de Estudios en Epistemología Pedagógica). She is responsible for the Save the Children project "Volunteers for Education" at the University. She is a member of scientific associations (SIPED, CIRPED). She was P.I. of the following Research Projects: with LVIA Agreement, Research Project for the self-evaluation of the Project: “The recipes of dialogue. Foods and stories for interculture and integration", lasting 12 months; with agreement with SAVE THE CHILDREN, Project “Educational poverty and Covid-19: lines of pedagogical reflection and advocacy for minors”, lasting 12 months and, finally, with agreement with the Liceo Norberto Rosa of Susa (TO), Project “Discomfort of adolescents between pandemic and lockdown: educational problems and pedagogical reflection", lasting 12 months. She is currently P.I., for Unito, of the AICS – ECG – Global Citizenship Education competitive tender project “In Cibo Civitas: Empowerment, Actions, Territory for a citizenship that nourishes the future”-AID 012618/01/9 – lead partner LVIA ONLUS ONG. Furthermore, she is responsible for the field research part of the Project Call CRT-2022. Interdepartmental project “The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on the well-being of children and adolescents in Piedmont. An interdisciplinary and participatory research to design social policies in response to crises”, leader Joëlle Long – Department of Law. He directs the series “Educazione, Società e Pedagogia Militante – Education, Society and Militant Pedagogy” with a scientific committee and double-blinded peer review (Progedit, Bari; currently 13 volumes). His research interests are: training of doctoral students, research skills and research ethics; social innovation; children's rights and human rights; women and peace; gender violence, witnessed violence and special orphans; discomfort, deviance and juvenile justice; vulnerability and fragility; pedagogical skills of educators and pedagogists; team work and collective mind. She has produced numerous essays, articles in scientific journal of level “A” in the scientific sector and monographs.

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