Laura Farroni

Associate professor


Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Roma Tre, she is a member of the School of the PhD in Architecture: Innovation and Heritage of the Department of Architecture of Roma Tre, she is a member of the Archives Commission and of the Scientific Research Programming Commission of the Italian Union for Drawing UID. She is a member of the Scientific Council of the Library of the Arts of Roma Tre.

Her interests develop the relationship between the culture of the architectural project and the culture of its representation and address the graphic and built heritage, memory of past action, in view of valorization actions; the drawing of the project, in its evolution, in its meaning, in its relations with the scientific and artistic instruments and knowledge and the cultural and communicative dimension of images. Thus, they are the visible and invisible cultural historical heritage, architectural and geometric graphics, geocultural landscapes, the historical heritage represented by industrial archaeology complexes, and the relationships between these themes and innovative technologies for documentation, dissemination, and digital reconstruction, for architectural and urban survey and building management. She is tutor of two PhD scholarships (PON, PNRR) and Scientific Responsible of RTDA (PON). She participates in national and international research, and in national and international teaching. She has been speaker and discussed at national and international conferences and seminars. director of editorial series Architecture, Society and Innovation_ASI of the Department of Architecture, Romatre Press and with Alessandra Pagliano and Manuela Incerti of the Editorial Collection Representing the Time of the University Library.

She is the author of numerous publications in the proceedings of conferences, scientific journals, and monographs, including L'arte del disegno a Palazzo Spada. The Astrolabium catoptrico gnomonicum by Emmanuel Maignan, 2019, for De Luca Editori d'Arte and Draw connections. The iron architecture between manuals and construction in the nineteenth century. The Pio Bridge in Velletri. vol. volume n. 26 of the Collection EDA Examples of Architecture. Aracne 2015

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