Isabella Pescarmona



Isabella Pescarmona, Ph.D., is a Researcher in General and Social Pedagogy at the Department of Philosophy and Education Sciences, University of Turin, where she teaches "Intercultural Pedagogy" and "Educational Processes in Multicultural Contexts" and is a member, lecturer and tutor of the Teaching Board of the Doctorate in Psychological, Anthropological and Education Sciences (SPAE).

Her research interests include intercultural and anti-racist pedagogy, intersectional feminist studies, the professional development of educators and teachers, cooperative and active methodologies to promote democratic citizenship. She develops and participates in research projects on these topics from a peace and social justice perspective by using ethnographic and participatory research methods and cultivating reflexivity on the researcher's positioning in the field.

She collaborates in several international study networks (including Network 7 “Social Justice and Intercultural Education” for the European Educational Research Association, EERA; and the seccion de investigation “Epistemologia Pedagogica” of the Centro latinoamericano de Estudios en Epistemologia Pedagogica, CESPE) and is a member of peer-reviewed scientific series.

Among the awards obtained, we highlight the International Award Elizabeth G. Cohen Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis (IASCE, 2010) and the Best Oral Presentation Award (Conference: Education Earth Nature. Knowledge Complexity Sustainability - session 'Diversity Inequalities Rights', 2020 ).

She is the author of numerous national and international contributions. Her most recent writings include "Crescere al plurale. Uno studio interculturale sulla prima infanzia" (Progedit, Bari, 2020 - Siped Researchers’ section Award 2021) and edited "Intercultura e Infanzia nei Servizi Educativi 0-6: prospettive in dialogo" (Aracne, Roma 2021); she is one of the authors of "Voci femminili, sguardi plurali. Conversazioni pedagogiche e storie interculturali" (Progedit, Bari, 2023) and "Within Different Perspectives. Critical Experiences in Education, Interculture and Ethnography" (DioPress, NewYork 2021).

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