Francesca Romana Lenzi

Associate professor


Francesca Romana Lenzi is a Professor at the University of Rome “Foro Italico. She has a doctorate and is currently a member of the Scientific Committee of the PhD in History and Cultures of Europe awarded by Sapienza University of Rome. She has been nationally qualified as a Full Professor in the Italian higher education system for the disciplinary field of 14/C1 - General sociology, in the call 2021/2023 (Ministerial Decree n. 553/2021 and 589/2021), under the Academic Recruitment Field 14/C - Sociology, according to the national classification. She is also a member of the National PhD in Peace Studies. Moreover, she is the Rector delegate for Gender themes and the Foro Italico University Representative for UniPeace Network and President of CUG - Joint Committee for Equal Opportunity of the University of Rome “Foro Italico”. She has authored more than 80 publications, including 37 articles, more than 20 of which are included in the WoS and SCOPUS databases, and 6 professional monographs. Her research interests include sociological theory and methodology of social research applied to urban health, social determinants of health vulnerabilities and inequalities, social peripheries, sustainability, sport, peace processes, and gender equality. Her Orcid number is 0000-0002-3591-6380.Between her publications: Lenzi F.R., Napier D., Giles-Vernick T. Volkmann A.M., Vaccaro K., “Drawing a pandemic vulnerabilities’ map: the sonar global digital analysis and its output” In Frontiers in sociology. Between her publications: 2023, Lenzi F.R., Iazzetta F. “Mapping obesity and diabetes’ representation on Twitter: the case of Italy, Frontiers in Sociology, vol.8; 2023 Lenzi, F.R. et al., Sustainability and Sport: An Exploratory Study on Students of Rome’s Universities. Sustainability , 15, 16911.; 2023, Lenzi F.R. et al., “Sport E Guerra in Ucraina: L’impatto Della Crisi Sulla Performance Nel Calcio”. Eracle. Journal of Sport and Social Sciences 6 (2), 4 - 33.; 2023, Lenzi F.R. et al., “Performing group-based physical activity (GBPA) in the workplace. Survey and sociological considerations of the “Happy Bones” project.” In Sustainability review; 2023, Lenzi, F.R. et al., The Sustainability of Emerging Social Vulnerabilities: The Hikikomori Phenomenon in Southern Italy. Sustainability 2023, 15, 3869.; 2023 (Book) Lenzi F.R. La sede dell'identità. L'Europa come laboratorio in Norbert Elias. ROMA: Carocci Editore, ISBN: 9788829018857; 2022, Lenzi F.R., Truglia F.G. (2022). Territorial spillover of Covid-19 infections in Rome during the "second wave". Frontiers in Sociology, ISSN: 2297-7775, doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.1066396; 2021, Lenzi F.R., Covid-19: rethinking global society. Italian Sociological Review, 1/2021, ISSN 2239-8589

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