Francesca Maria Corrao

Full professor


Professor Corrao has published more than a hundred scholarly articles and several books on topics ranging from History of Modern Middle East to Classical and Modern Arab poetry and humorous culture, intercultural dialogue and Mediterranean Studies.  Her most recent books are Nūrī al-Jarrāh L’esodo dagli abissi del Mediterraneo (2023). L’Approdo di Ulisse (2023). I cavalieri, le dame e i deserti. Storia della poesia araba (2020).
Her co-edited book, States, Actors and Geopolitical Drivers in the Mediterranean, Eds. Corrao F.M. and Redaelli R., Palgrave 2021. Storia della Letteratura araba. Dall’epoca preislamica all’età post-classica, Eds. Corrao F.M. e Ruocco M. (Mondadori 2024). Storia della Letteratura araba. Dalla Nahḍa alle rivoluzioni e oltre, Eds. Corrao F. M. e Ruocco M. (Mondadori 2024).
She is currently editing a book on the Ibn Dāniyāl’s Shadow plays to be published with Annali dell’Università Ca’ Foscari, Venice.  Her next book projects are a history of western and eastern influences in Jubrān Khalīl Jubrān’s The Prophet, and a new edition of Islam Religion and Politics which is under contract with Luiss University Press.
She has previously published:  L’Islam non è terrorismo, Editors Corrao F.M. e Violante L. (2018). Islam, Religion and Politics (2017). Islam, State and Modernity. Mohammed Abed Al-Jabri and the Future of the Arab World, Eds Eyadat Z., Corrao F.M., Hashas M. (2017). Le Rivoluzioni Arabe. La transizione Mediterranea (2011). Adonis, Ecco il mio nome (2009). Adonis, Alberi adagiati sulla luce, transl. edition F. M. Corrao (2009). Costruire la democrazia: un progetto mediterraneo, Eds. Maffettone S. e Corrao F.M. (2008). Le opinioni e l’informazione nei Paesi arabo-islamici dopo l’11 settembre (2003). Poeti Arabi di Sicilia (2002 1st ed.1987). Le storie di Giufà (2001 1st ed.1991). Il riso il comico e la festa al Cairo nel XIII secolo - Il teatro delle ombre di Ibn Dāniyāl (1996). La Rinascita islamica. Il nazionalismo di Muḥammad Farīd (1985).

Prof. Corrao worked as Full professor in Naples University “L’Orientale” (1993-2011) and held several academic appointments at the Science Po’ (Paris, Menton), École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris; and Alsun University in Cairo.  She has received various awards and fellowships from Italian Ministry of Education, Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Prize de La Escuela de Toledo and Gerardo da Cremona to the career as Mediteranean Translator (2016). Minerva Prize for the Cultural activities (2016).
She contributes to several International scientific publications, serves on the boards of various cultural and educational organizations, among them: UEAI (Union of European Arabist and Islamist, Italian representative); EURAMAL (European Scholars of Modern Arabic Literature); Research Member of the Institute of Oriental Philosophy, Soka University Tokyo.

Professor Corrao served as President of the Fondazione Orestiadi (Gibellina - Italy) from the 2011 to the 2013 and since then she has been President of the Scientific Committee.
She was invited as Visiting Professor in various Universities, Harvard University, ULB Universitè Libre de Bruxells, Fudan University in Shangai, INALCO in Paris, Science Pò in Paris and Menton, Alsun University in Cairo, Faculty of language and Middle Eastern Studies in Oxford, Cambridge Univesity Faculty of Language and Middle Eastern Studies, the College of Europe in Natolin (Warsaw).
1990 Doctoral Dissertation: Il teatro delle ombre di di Ibn Dāniyāl. Storia, analisi critica e traduzione (Rome University ‘La Sapienza’ 1990)

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