Elena Valentina Maiolini


email: ev.maiolini@uninsubria.it

Born in Brescia in 1985, she obtained her Bachelor’s Degree in Literature from Ca’ Foscari in 2007, with a thesis in Contemporary Italian Literature on the poetry of Franca Grisoni (supervisor Prof. Pietro Gibellini); then she achieved the Master’s Degree in Modern and Contemporary Italian Philology and Literature in 2010, with a thesis about Claude-Charles Fauriel (supervisor Prof. Francesco Bruni), having participated in the “Erasmus” project between Ca’ Foscari and Sorbonne University. She holds a Doctor Europaeus degree and a PhD degree in Italian Studies and Medieval Classical Philology, both obtained in 2015 at the end of a joint course between the University Ca’ Foscari of Venice and Sorbonne University, with a project focusing on Alessandro Manzoni as a writer and a reader of the 17th century (supervisors Pietro Gibellini and Andrea Fabiano). She worked as a lecturer in Venice, Verona and the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, from 2018 and 2021 she was research fellow at Ca’ Foscari University (supervisor Michela Rusi) with the support of the Fondazione Il Vittoriale degli Italiani, for a project aimed at the critical edition of the Gabriele D’Annunzio’s Francesca da Rimini.

She is qualified for the position of Associated professor in the disciplinary areas 10/F1 (Italian literature), 10/F2 (Contemporary Italian literature), 10/F3 (Italian linguistics and philology) and 10/F4 (Literary criticism and comparative literatures), she is Assistant Professor in Contemporary Italian literature at the University of Insubria.   

She has worked on twentieth-century dialect poetry, Claude-Charles Fauriel (Alle origini della comparatistica, Cesati 2014), Alessandro Manzoni (Il linguaggio delle passioni, Cesati 2017, with the support of the Academic Council, the Doctoral School “Civilisations, cultures, littératures et sociétés” and the Équipe Littérature et Culture Italiennes of Sorbonne Université), Niccolò Tommaseo (Canti Greci, Fondazione Bembo / Ugo Guanda Editore 2017, Moretti Prize 2019 unanimously, philology section), Gabriele d'Annunzio (ed. critical edition of Francesca da Rimini for the National Edition, Vittoriale degli Italiani 2021) and Giovita Scalvini (ed. critica dei Frammenti di vario argomento for the National Edition, 2023). She is currently working on the overall edition of Assunta Finiguerra's poems in Sanfelese (Ronzani, 2024). 

She is a member of the Committee responsible for the national edition of the works of Gabriele d’Annunzio, scientific secretary of the d’Annunzio digital encyclopedia and ordinary member of the Ateneo di Brescia, of the Associazione per la storia della lingua italiana (ASLI), of the Associazione degli Italianisti (AdI), of the Centro nazionale di studi dannunziani of Pescara and of the scientific committee of the International Research Center for Local Histories and Cultural Diversities of Insubria. She is part of the Equipe Littérature et Culture Italiennes (ELCI) and the Equipe des Jeunes Chercheurs (ERjIS) of Sorbonne Université.

She is among the Directors of the magazine “Letteratura e dialetti”, participates in the scientific committee of “Archivio d’Annunzio” and the reading one of “Ermeneutica literarya”, and in the editorial committee of the “Rivista di letteratura italiana”.

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