Domenico Rizzo

Associate professor


After studying Political Science at the University "la Sapienza" in Rome, he obtained his PhD in "History of Family and Gender Identities" at the University "Orientale" in Naples where - researcher since 2004 and associate professor since 2014 - he teaches Contemporary History and Gender History. He is a member of the doctoral college in "International Studies" at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences.

His research interests focus on the history of identity configurations and representations between the modern and contemporary ages, at the intersection of legal-normative, social-historical and cultural-historical dimensions. He is a member of the editorial board of the journal "Quaderni storici".

His publications include the monographs: Gli spazi della morale. Buon costume e ordine delle famiglie in Italia in età liberale (Roma 2004/nuova ed. 2022); Vita di caserma. Autorità e relazioni nell’esercito italiano del secondo dopoguerra (Roma 2012); and the essays: Liberal decorum and men in conflict, Rome, 1871-90 ( “Journal of Modern Italian Studies”, 10, 2005, 281-96); L’ami idéal. Canon homophile et «marché» des relations dans les années 1950 (“Revue d’histoire moderne et contemporaine”, 53, 2006, 53-73) ; Public Spheres and Gay Politics since the Second World War (in R. Aldrich (ed.), Gay life and culture. A world history, Thames&Hudson, London 2006, 198-221) ; “Mammà, tutto è fatto!”. Impotenza maschile e unioni coniugali in Italia alla fine dell’Ottocento (“Quaderni storici”, 1/2014, 107-40); Follow the money! Matrimoni e separazioni alla prova degli alimenti (Roma, XIX sec.) (“Quaderni storici”, 3/2022, 765-95).

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