Damiano Palano

Full professor

email: damiano.palano@unicatt.it

Full Professor of Political Philosophy (SSD SPS/01 – SC 14/A1) at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Director of the Department of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan campus)

Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Political Sciences and International Relations at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Brescia campus)

Director of Polidemos – Center for the Study of Democracy and Political Changes at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Director of the Master in Advanced Global Studies (MAGS) at the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) in Milan

Director of the Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations at the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) in Milan



Bachelor's degree in Political Sciences obtained from the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan with a grade of 110 cum laude/110. Thesis title: "Giuseppe Maranini's Political Theory: Institutions and Power," defended under the supervision of Prof. Lorenzo Ornaghi.

From 2000 to 2003

Teaching Assistant in "Political Science" and "History of Political Doctrines" at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.


Ph.D. in "Representations and Political Behaviors" from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan, with a dissertation titled "The Invention of the Collective Unconscious: Theories, Representations, and Metaphors of Political Action at the Origins of Modern Psychology (1875-1933)."

From January 2002 to June 2002, held a study grant for further studies abroad awarded by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

From March 2003

University Researcher in the disciplinary sector of "Political Science" (SPS/04) at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.

From October 2003 to September 2005, served as a member of the teaching staff for the Ph.D. program in "Representations and Political Behaviors" (cycle XVII – cycle XVIII) established at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

From March 2004 to July 2004, engaged in the planning of the Summer School on "Peace and Democracy Building," organized by the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) – Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.


Confirmation as a University Researcher in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of "Political Science" (SPS/04) at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan.

April 2006: Eligibility for an Associate Professor position in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of "Political Science" (SPS/04) obtained through comparative evaluation (April 21, 2006).

Since October 2006

Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of "Political Science" (SPS/04) at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

Since October 2006 to date, a member of the teaching staff of the Ph.D. School in "Institutions and Policies" at the Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

From February 2008 to date, a member of the Steering Committee of the Research Center "Arti e Mestieri" at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

2010: Confirmation as an Associate Professor in the Scientific Disciplinary Sector of "Political Science" (SPS/04).

Since 2010 to date, a member of the scientific board of the Master's program in "Economics and International Policies" (MEPIN), organized by the University of Italian Switzerland and the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (first-level Master).

Since July 2012 to date, a member of the Management Committee of the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) – Faculty of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

December 2013: Eligibility as a Full Professor (Professore Ordinario) in the competitive sector 14/A-1 (Political Philosophy).

Since March 2014, a member of the Academic Senate of the Catholic University "Zoja e Këshillit të Mirë" in Tirana (Catholic University – Our Lady of Good Counsel).

Since October 2015, Coordinator of the Bachelor's Degree Program in Political Sciences and International Relations at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Brescia campus).

Since November 2017, Director of the Department of Political Sciences at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (Milan campus).

From September 2018 to October 2020, Director of the first-level Master's program in International Relations at the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) – Milan.

Since October 2020, Director of the Master in Advanced Global Studies (MAGS) at the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) in Milan.

Since May 2022, Director of Polidemos – Center for the Study of Democracy and Political Changes at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart.

From 2023, Director of the Master in Advanced Public and Cultural Diplomacy for International Relations at the High School of Economics and International Relations (Aseri) in Milan.


Since 2003, member of the editorial board of the journal "Vita e Pensiero. Bimestrale di cultura e dibattito dell’Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore."

Since 2011, member of the editorial board of the journal "Rivista di Politica."

Since 2012, member of the advisory board of the journal "Notizie di Politeia. Rivista di etica e scelte pubbliche."

Since January 2013, member of the scientific committee of the journal "Governare la paura. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies" (ISSN 1974-4935).

Since January 2014, member of the editorial board of the journal "Filosofia politica."

Since 2014, member of the editorial board of the journal "Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche."

Since 2016, member of the editorial board of the "Quaderni di Scienze politiche" (formerly "Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze politiche dell’Università Cattolica").

Since 2019, member of the editorial board of the journal "Soft Power."

Since 2020, member of the editorial board of the journal "Quaderni di Scienza politica" (Il Mulino).

Since 2020, member of the editorial board of the journal "Politica & Società" (Il Mulino).

Since 2022, directs the section "Political Science and Political Theory" for the publisher Scholé-Morcelliana.

Since 2022, directs the series "Polidemos" published by Educatt.

Since 2023, directs the series "Democratic Theory" for the publishing house Mimesis.


Since 2003, member of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP).

Since 2010, member of the Institute of Politics (IDP).

Since 2015, member of the research group in the "Political Innovation" line of the Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Foundation.

Since 2016, member of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP).

Since 2018, member of the scientific council of the Interuniversity Center for Analysis of Symbols and Political Institutions (University of Pavia) (Casip).

Member of the standing groups "Politics and Religion," "Politics and History," and "Political Theory" of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP).

From 2020 to 2022, served on the board of the Italian Society of Political Philosophy (SIFP).

From 2020 to 2022, co-coordinated the Standing Group "Politics and History" of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP).

Since 2020, member of the Italian Society of Critical Theory (SICT).

Since 2022, coordinator of the Standing Group "Political Theory" of the Italian Political Science Society (SISP).

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