Carlo Alberto Romano

Associate professor


Confirmed associate professor, holder of the courses of Criminology, Penitentiary Criminology and Criminology of Confirmed associate professor, holder of the courses of Criminology, Penitentiary Criminology and Criminology of Terrorism at the Department of Law of the University of Brescia.

Rector's Delegate for Social Responsibility for the territory.

Delegate of the Director of the Department of Law to Communication

Professor and member of the Organizing Committee of the Master on Mediation as an operational tool within the family, criminal and civic fields at the University of Padua

Professor at the Specialization Course in Criminology and Forensic Psychopathology at the University of Milan.

Professor at the II level Master in Forensic Psychopathology and Clinical Criminology of the Vita e Salute University - San Raffaele of Milan

Professor at the II level Master's Degree in Forensic Psychopathology and Criminology at the University of Florence Teacher at the Summer School of Sociology of Migrations of the Center for Migration Studies in the Mediterranean of Genoa.

Professor at the Higher Institute of Penitentiary Studies of the Department of Penitentiary Administration, Ministry of Justice, Rome.

Professor at the State Police Schools "PolGAI" of Brescia and School for Inspectors of Nettuno, Rome.

Member of the Safety and Legality Committee of the Municipality of Brescia.

Member of the Board of Directors of the Italian Society of Criminology.

President of the non-profit Prison and Territory Association of Brescia, winner in 2009 of the "Bulloni" award, established by the Municipality of Brescia and recipient, since 2015, of the Special Consultative Status at the ECOSOC of the UNITED NATIONS

Scientific production currently summarized by over 230 publications.

© Università degli Studi di Roma "La Sapienza" - Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 Roma