Attilio Pisanò

Full professor


Attilio Pisanò is Full Professor of Philosophy of Law at University of Salento where he teaches Legal Philosophy and Theory and Practice of Human Rights,

He is a member of the teaching board of the PhD in Rights and Sustainability (University of Salento), Principal Researcher of the Political Terror Scale (North Carolina University, and Special Rapporteur for Italy of the Global Perspectives on Corporate Climate Legal Tactics Project of the British Institute of International and Comparative Law (

He is responsible for the UniSalento Interdisciplinary Project (UniSalento+) and  specifically for the intra-university network on Peace and Human Rights.  He is a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Eunomia. Journal of Peace and Human Rights Studies (Ese Publications).

He is a member of the Centre for Bioethics and Human Rights and of the International Centre of Interdisciplinary Studies on Migrations . He was Visiting Professor at the Universidad del Magdalena (Colombia); he has taught at the University of Istanbul, the University of Tallin, the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid), the Universidad San Pablo CEU (Madrid), the Universidad de Sevilla, the Universidad de Valencia, the Universidade de Beira Interior (Covilha, Portugal).

He has published several books and scientific papers in some of the most important international (The International Journal of Human Rights: The Human Rights Review: Peace Human Rights Governance) and national journals (Rivista di Filosofia del Diritto, Politica del Diritto, Ragion Pratica, Diritti umani e Diritto Internazionale, Ars Interpretandi, Ethics & Politics).

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