Annalisa Giampino



Annalisa Giampino is Assistant Professor/Researcher (Rtd-b) ICAR 21 at DARCH – Università di Palermo, where she teaches Urban Planning Studio I in the School of Architecture and Themes in Contemporary Urbanism in the School of Planning. Architect, PhD in Urban and Territorial Planning with a thesis in Co-tutorship between the University of Palermo and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. From 2012 to 2016, she was a postdoc fellow at the Department of Architecture. She has carried out research activities, as visiting scholar, at the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Barcelona and Heriot Watt University of Edinburgh. She has collaborated in national research (PRIN "Post-metropolitan territories as emerging urban forms: the challenges of sustainability, habitability and governance) and international research (Italy-Malta project "REMASI" funded under the PO ITALY-MALTA on FESR founds and International Cooperation projects with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Politécnica de Valencia). Currently, she is PI of the Palermo Local Unit of PRIN 2022 “RE-PLACE. REframing PLace-based Approach through the Cultural Ecosystem services of inner areas, funded by MUR. Her approach is characterised by a constant search for logical-causal links between urban and territorial phenomena, actors, policies and practices of government/self-government of the territory. Research interests and activities focus on four main domains, developed in a comparative and critical perspective with specific focus on Southern European countries: urban informality, housing policies, social exclusion and spatial justice, planning regulation. On these themes he has been: developing research projects and activities of public engagement, as well as presenting and discussing in the context of invited lectures, advanced teaching programmes, research seminars and major international scientific conferences. She has published her results in more than 80 locations, including monographs, chapters in nationally and internationally published books and articles.

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