Anna Miglietta

Associate professor


Anna Miglietta, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Social and Community Psychology at the Department of Psychology of the University of Turin, where she teaches Intercultural Relations and Methods of Intervention in the Community. She is a member of the faculty of the interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Social and Political Change (University of Turin and University of Florence) and of the following research centres: Inter-University Centre for Cultures, Rights and Religions - International Forum Democracy & Religions (FIDR); Inter-University Centre for Peace Studies (CISP); Inter-University Research Centre The Other Law. Inter-University Research Centre for Prison, Deviance, Marginality and the Governance of Migration - (ADir).

Her research interests concern the classical topics of intergroup and intercultural relations (prejudice, stigmatisation, acculturation processes and psychosocial adjustment of immigrants), community psychology (empowerment, participation, capacity building, social integration) and political psychology. She develops and participates in national and international research projects on these topics with a theoretical-practical orientation in the Lewinian tradition of action research.

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