Aide Esu

Associate professor


AIDE ESU teaches sociology and methods and participatory techniques at the University of Cagliari, at the Department of Political and Social Sciences. She obtained the PhD from the Ecole des Hautes Etudes writing a dissertation on political violence in Italy. She was, for three years, a Visiting Research Associate at the Fernand Braudel Center at the State University of New York and Fulbright Distinguished Chair at the University of Pittsburgh where she taught the course Politics and Society in Italy. She was the coordinator of the Political Science course in the period 2018-2021. She carried out cooperation activities between the Universities of Tel Aviv and Al Quds on reconciliation and collective memory and more recently Euro-Mediterranean cooperation projects on the management of water resources in the Middle East. She was a board member of the European Association of Israel Studies and participates in the international scientific activities of the International Sociological Association. She wrote volumes, and articles in indexed and A-rated journals and, volume contributions on militarization, collective memory, the naturalization of violence, and the intractability of the conflict between Israel and Palestine. She is the delegate of the University of Cagliari for RUNIPACE.

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