Area offerta formativa e diritto allo studio | Settore Dottorato di Ricerca


Obiettivi formativi del dottorato
Educational goals and objectives

descrizione:In questi ultimi anni si è verificato uno spettacolare sviluppo della Genetica e della Biologia Molecolare. Queste due discipline si sono progressivamente integrate scambiandosi categorie concettuali e metodi sperimentali, e rappresentano attualmente il tema centrale ed unificante della moderna biologia. Le ricerche classiche di Genetica e di Biologia Molecolare, quali lo studio della struttura e funzione del materiale genetico, hanno subito recentemente un’accelerazione inimmaginabile con la caratterizzazione di interi genomi (genomica) e dei relativi profili di espressione proteica (proteomica). Queste conoscenze offrono ora dei potenti mezzi d’indagine per lo studio integrato dei processi molecolari che sono alla base della regolazione dello sviluppo, del differenziamento e della proliferazione cellulare. Esse offrono inoltre opportunità uniche per l’analisi genetico-molecolare di processi fisiologici e patologici e per lo sviluppo di terapie per le malattie genetiche e degenerative. Infine, le moderne acquisizioni della genomica forniscono uno strumento essenziale per l’interpretazione dei processi evolutivi e l’analisi dellastruttura genetica delle popolazioni umane. Le tematiche su esposte sono oggi affrontate utilizzando da un lato sofisticate metodologie di analisi genetica, tecniche avanzate di ingegneria genetica e di genetica inversa, dall’altro metodiche di caratterizzazione biochimica delle macromolecole biologiche e strumenti bioinformatici sempre più potenti. Recentemente metodologie di tipo "omico" hanno permesso di affrontare a livello globale lo studio della struttura e funzione di interi genomi, trascrittomi e proteomi. Tutto ciò ha creato nuove aree di ricerca di base e applicata ed ampliato quelle già esistenti. Si è determinata quindi una forte richiesta di specialisti in questo settore, capaci di svolgere ricerca ad alto livello presso le Università, gli Enti di ricerca e l'industria. Gli obiettivi formativi del Dottorato in Genetica e Biologia Molecolare sono quelli di creare degli specialisti capaci di operare con originalità scientifica e competenza metodologica nei settori piu’ moderni ed avanzati della ricerca genetico-molecolare di base ed in quella applicativa sia all'interno dell' Università che presso Enti di Ricerca Pubblici e Privati, Istituti di Ricerca a Carattere Biomedico ed Industria. Il corso si articola in tre anni durante i quali i dottorandi oltre all’attivita’ di ricerca seguono lezioni generali e monografiche oltre a seminari specialistici. Inoltre e’ prevista la loro partecipazione a corsi pratici di laboratorio di contenuto diverso a seconda degli anni. E’ richiesta la conoscenza della lingua inglese e si lascia facolta’ allo studente di scrivere la tesi di dottorato in questa lingua.

description:In the last years there has been a great development of Genetics and Molecular Biology. These two disciplines have progressively exchanged conceptual categories and experimental methods, reaching an integration that represents the central and unifying theme of modern biology. This has created new areas of basic and applied research and expanded existing ones. This determined a strong demand for specialists in this field, able to conduct high-level research at universities, research centres and industry. Genetics, born as a science referred to the analysis of heredity, has quickly evolved to the study of structure and function of the hereditary material. This led genetics to become an essential component of almost every area of biology, as well as a discipline with a strong power in integrating different fields of biology. The results obtained in the first decades of this century have established that the genetic composition of an organism not only determines the various levels of phenotypic organization, but also how they interact with the environment in which it lives. Molecular biology in the last 40 years has made it possible to clarify the chemical/physical bases of many biological processes. The structure of the gene and its mode of replication, transcription and translation are now well known in their molecular details. More recently, "omics" methodologies have allowed studying the whole genome, transcriptome and proteome structure allowing the study of cell functions at a more global level. Nowadays, the attention of national and international researchers is especially concentrated on: the study of the genome, with particular regard to the eukaryotic one; the study of the mechanisms that regulate gene expression at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional level; the study of the mechanisms underlying the control of cell cycle and cell division; the study of the process of spontaneous and induced mutations and its relations with the mechanisms of DNA repair; the study of genetic variability in human populations. Genetics and Molecular Biology are also used both in animals and in plants to dissect and to understand several biological processes such as development and differentiation. Medicine, Pharmacology and Agriculture are the areas where genetics and molecular biology find some of their most important applications. Recombinant DNA technologies and genetic analysis are used to diagnose genetic diseases, to build bacteria able to produce molecules of pharmacological interest or to transfer " useful genes " from an organism to another. The aim of the PhD programme in Genetics and Molecular Biology is to train researchers able to originally exploit their scientific and methodological expertise in the most modern and advanced areas of both basic and applied research.

Borse e posti di dottorato disponibili
Available scholarships and positions

Tipologia 1: ex D.M. 630/2024 Tipologia 2: ex D.M. 629/2024 Tipologia 3: PE/PNC/CN/TP Tipologia 4: Enti terzi e Eccellenza Tipologia 5: Sapienza Posti senza borsa
Transizione digitale Generiche Pubblica Amministrazione Patrimonio culturale PE/PNC CN/TP Enti terzi Eccellenza
2 0 2 3 3

Tematiche, curriculum e competenze specifiche
Themes, curriculum and specific skills

ATENEO CN - non associata a curriculum

- CN3, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia a RNA, Spoke 3 - Neurodegenerative Targeting RNA-binding proteins to control neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases
Ente finanziatore: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- CN3, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia a RNA, Spoke 3 - Neurodegenerative Targeting RNA-binding proteins to control neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases
Funded by: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: Due to their intrinsic properties, RNA molecules combine the dual function of tethering proteins as well as other nucleic acids. RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions allow the nucleation of different membrane-less compartments where the most essential cellular processes occur, such as transcription, processing, translation and intracellular transport. The main goal of our project is to be able to control the structure and function of specific ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes by targeting the RNA-RNA and RNA-proteins interactions and to understand how they contribute to gene expression control, to RNP assembly and function, and intracellular trafficking in neurons and muscles. To this aim, we will use integrated experimental and computational approaches. In neuro-degenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimer and many others, a causative link has been found between the pathology and the conversion of RNP granules into solid-like aggregates indicating that, by trapping crucial RNAs and proteins, they can lead to the dysfunction of many cellular processes. The ability to control the aggregation of these nuclear and cytoplasmic assemblies, by acting at the level of RNA or RNA-binding protein components, represents highly innovative research. We expect that these studies will strongly increase our understanding of basic molecular processes controlled by RNA molecules and RNA-binding proteins and should also constitute a largely unexplored territory for the development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics.
Description: Due to their intrinsic properties, RNA molecules combine the dual function of tethering proteins as well as other nucleic acids. RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions allow the nucleation of different membrane-less compartments where the most essential cellular processes occur, such as transcription, processing, translation and intracellular transport. The main goal of our project is to be able to control the structure and function of specific ribonucleoprotein (RNP) complexes by targeting the RNA-RNA and RNA-proteins interactions and to understand how they contribute to gene expression control, to RNP assembly and function, and intracellular trafficking in neurons and muscles. To this aim, we will use integrated experimental and computational approaches. In neuro-degenerative diseases such as ALS, Alzheimer and many others, a causative link has been found between the pathology and the conversion of RNP granules into solid-like aggregates indicating that, by trapping crucial RNAs and proteins, they can lead to the dysfunction of many cellular processes. The ability to control the aggregation of these nuclear and cytoplasmic assemblies, by acting at the level of RNA or RNA-binding protein components, represents highly innovative research. We expect that these studies will strongly increase our understanding of basic molecular processes controlled by RNA molecules and RNA-binding proteins and should also constitute a largely unexplored territory for the development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics.

ATENEO CN - non associata a curriculum

- CN3, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia a RNA, Spoke 2 - Cancer Small synthetic RNA molecules for the development of innovative anti-cancer immunotherapeutic and epigenetic approaches
Ente finanziatore: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- CN3, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Sviluppo di terapia genica e farmaci con tecnologia a RNA, Spoke 2 - Cancer Small synthetic RNA molecules for the development of innovative anti-cancer immunotherapeutic and epigenetic approaches
Funded by: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: Accumulating evidence indicates a strong correlation between aberrant RNA modifications and cancer initiation, progression, and drug resistance. Therefore, RNA-modifying enzymes are becoming important anticancer drug targets. One of the most relevant RNA modifications in cancer is the N6-methyladenosine (m6A). m6A is the most abundant internal modification in mRNA and it is reversible and dynamic. m6A is mainly installed by the nuclear complex composed of two methyltransferase-like proteins, METTL3 and METTL14, and can be removed by the ALKBH5 and FTO demethylases. Interestingly, in some types of cancer both writers and erasers can play oncogenic roles. Furthermore, in different tumors mis regulation or new oncogenic activities can be acquired by their altered subcellular localization. Chronic Myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a cancer characterized by the clonal expansion of myeloid cells. CML is associated in about 95% of patients with the production of the oncogenic BCL-ABL1 fusion gene. The use ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) made CML a clinically manageable and a cured disease. However, in many cases, treatment with TKIs is not curative BCR-ABL1-independent pathways play important roles in TKI resistance and persistence of leukemic stem cells. We will investigate the oncogenic roles of the METTL3 methyltransferase and the FTO demethylase in CML and the impact of their selective inhibition by small molecules. We aim at: 1) characterize the molecular function of FTO and METTL3 inhibitors in TKI-sensitive and -resistant CML cells to identify new relevant pathways; 2) test the therapeutic efficacy in preclinical in vitro models for CML; and 3) test inhibition of METTL3 and FTO alone or in combination with drugs already use in the clinic to prevent and/or overcome TKI resistance.
Description: Accumulating evidence indicates a strong correlation between aberrant RNA modifications and cancer initiation, progression, and drug resistance. Therefore, RNA-modifying enzymes are becoming important anticancer drug targets. One of the most relevant RNA modifications in cancer is the N6-methyladenosine (m6A). m6A is the most abundant internal modification in mRNA and it is reversible and dynamic. m6A is mainly installed by the nuclear complex composed of two methyltransferase-like proteins, METTL3 and METTL14, and can be removed by the ALKBH5 and FTO demethylases. Interestingly, in some types of cancer both writers and erasers can play oncogenic roles. Furthermore, in different tumors mis regulation or new oncogenic activities can be acquired by their altered subcellular localization. Chronic Myeloid leukaemia (CML) is a cancer characterized by the clonal expansion of myeloid cells. CML is associated in about 95% of patients with the production of the oncogenic BCL-ABL1 fusion gene. The use ABL1 tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) made CML a clinically manageable and a cured disease. However, in many cases, treatment with TKIs is not curative BCR-ABL1-independent pathways play important roles in TKI resistance and persistence of leukemic stem cells. We will investigate the oncogenic roles of the METTL3 methyltransferase and the FTO demethylase in CML and the impact of their selective inhibition by small molecules. We aim at: 1) characterize the molecular function of FTO and METTL3 inhibitors in TKI-sensitive and -resistant CML cells to identify new relevant pathways; 2) test the therapeutic efficacy in preclinical in vitro models for CML; and 3) test inhibition of METTL3 and FTO alone or in combination with drugs already use in the clinic to prevent and/or overcome TKI resistance.

ATENEO CN - non associata a curriculum

- CN2, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Tecnologie dell’agricoltura (Agritech), Spoke 7 - Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems enhancing agroecological and socio-economic sustainability Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems enhancing agroecological and socio-economic sustainability
Ente finanziatore: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- CN2, Centro Nazionale di Ricerca Tecnologie dell’agricoltura (Agritech), Spoke 7 - Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems enhancing agroecological and socio-economic sustainability Integrated models for the development of marginal areas to promote multifunctional production systems enhancing agroecological and socio-economic sustainability
Funded by: Sapienza Università degli Studi di Roma
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: The aim of this PhD project is to provide experimental evidence supporting the use of natural, bioactive compounds such as (but not limited to) essential oils on crop growth and yield. Selected compounds will be extracted from plants that can be grown by farmers in patches of non-cultivated land (“marginal areas”). These compounds will be tested for their biological activities on different plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family: the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the crop Brassica sylvestris. Several growth traits will be evaluated, but we will mainly focus on flower opening, as this is a key biotechnological trait for the Brassicaceae family. The molecular and physiological basis of the plant response to these compounds will be also evaluated in detail, using a genetic and whole genome approach. This will lead to the identification of the molecular networks responsible for the effect of a given bioactive compound. In summary, by combining field and laboratory data, the results obtained within this research project will provide farmers with validated protocols to optimize crop growth and yield under a sustainable farming regimen.
Description: The aim of this PhD project is to provide experimental evidence supporting the use of natural, bioactive compounds such as (but not limited to) essential oils on crop growth and yield. Selected compounds will be extracted from plants that can be grown by farmers in patches of non-cultivated land (“marginal areas”). These compounds will be tested for their biological activities on different plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family: the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the crop Brassica sylvestris. Several growth traits will be evaluated, but we will mainly focus on flower opening, as this is a key biotechnological trait for the Brassicaceae family. The molecular and physiological basis of the plant response to these compounds will be also evaluated in detail, using a genetic and whole genome approach. This will lead to the identification of the molecular networks responsible for the effect of a given bioactive compound. In summary, by combining field and laboratory data, the results obtained within this research project will provide farmers with validated protocols to optimize crop growth and yield under a sustainable farming regimen.

PNRR351 - non associata a curriculum

- Approcci sperimentali innovativi nella ricerca biomolecolare e genetica
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Innovative experimental approaches in genetic and biomolecular research
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: La tematica è associata ai progetti 1-16 nella lista dei progetti disponibili pubblicata nel sito web del dottorato
Description: The topic is associated with projects 1-16 in the list of available projects published on the PhD website

PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Mutabilità del DNA ripetitivo in malattie associate all'invecchiamento
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Investigating the basis of repetitive DNA mutagenesis in aging-associated diseases
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: Nell'ultimo decennio sono stati compiuti grandi passi avanti nella genomica umana. Ci stiamo avvicinando a una mappatura completa dello stato genetico ed epigenetico del genoma umano. Tuttavia, la comprensione dei cambiamenti associati alla diversità genetica, il modo in cui il genoma e l'epigenoma variano tra i vari tessuti e tipi di cellule e, soprattutto, il collegamento con gli stati patologici rimangono elusivi. Utilizzando nuovi metodi biochimici, tra cui CUT&TAG e sequenziamento di terza generazione, questo progetto di dottorato si propone di esplorare e caratterizzare i cambiamenti nelle caratteristiche della cromatina nel genoma umano in condizioni biomimetiche di stress endogeno e citotossicità. In particolare, il lavoro mira a (1) identificare nuovi polimorfismi e segnali mutazionali, (2) indagare come questi influenzino l'epigenoma e il comportamento della cromatina e (3) trovare un'associazione causale con le malattie umane. A tal fine, le mutazioni saranno caratterizzate utilizzando i più recenti assemblaggi genomici ed esplorando la loro rilevanza confrontando diverse condizioni sperimentali, in particolare quelle di danno e di stress cellulare endogeno. Il progetto comprende sia componenti di laboratorio che analisi bioinformatiche.
Description: The last decade has seen great strides being made in human genomics. We are moving toward comprehensively mapping the genetic and epigenetic status of the human genome. However, understanding changes associated with individual polymorphism, how the genome and epigenome vary across tissues and cell types and especially, the connection with pathological states remains elusive. Using novel biochemical methods including CUT&TAG and third-generation sequencing, this Ph.D. project proposes to explore and characterize changes in chromatin features across the human genome under conditions biomimetic of endogenous stress and cytotoxicity. Specifically, the work aims to (1) identify novel polymorphisms and mutational signatures, (2) investigate how they affect the epigenome and chromatin behavior, and (3) find a causative association with human diseases. To this end, changes will be characterized using the latest assembly and explore their relevance comparing across different experimental conditions, especially those of damage and endogenous cellular stress. The project includes both wet-lab component and bioinformatic analyses.

PNRR352 - non associata a curriculum

- Identificazione di mutazioni somatiche utili a rilevare la presenza di tumori ginecologici endometriali e ovarici durante Pap test di routine
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta
- Early detection of somatic mutations associated with the presence of endometrial and ovarian gynecological tumors during routine Pap smears
Required skills: no specific skill required

Descrizione: Epithelial ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of gynecologic cancer-related deaths in women, primarily because most patients present with advanced-stage disease. Moreover, in the last 20 years, the incidence rate of another gynecologic cancer, endometrial cancer (EC), has increased by 125% worldwide and despite improved diagnosis and treatment methods, up to 30% of EC patients are primarily diagnosed with stage III or IV EC and have poor outcomes. Cervical cancer, on the other hand, is much less frequent in developed countries thanks to the wide availability and effectiveness of screening with the Pap test (Papanicolau test) patients allowing for early diagnosis and surgical therapy. Unlike cervical cancer, for OC and EC there are no primary (vaccination) or secondary (population screening) prevention tools that allow for an early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention. Also, the identification of endometrial and ovarian cancer cells through microscopy examination of the specimen often fails to discriminate such cells from benign conditions or from cervical tumors. Recently, it has been shown that malignant cells exfoliate from the ovaries and may be detected in Pap specimens, routinely collected through cervical cancer screening. By analyzing the cells shed from the cervix, the health state of other female reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and endometrium can be also evaluated. Endocervical DNA or intrauterine DNA can be obtained through vaginal tampons, intrauterine lavage, Pap smear, and Tao Brush to determine the presence of malignant tumor cells in the reproductive tract. Circulating tumor DNA is a type of cell-free DNA that accounts for a small part of circulating cell-free DNA. It is usually released from tumor tissues in vivo and harbors tumor-specific DNA mutations, which can be detected using massive parallel sequencing (NGS). In this project, we will develop NGS-based tumor DNA screening tests on cervical specimens, with the potential to increase the chances of early detection of endometrial and ovarian cancers in asymptomatic women. The purpose of the new test is to facilitate the diagnosis in non-advanced stages of endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancers, stages in which the cancer is still treatable, combining the cytological screening of the routine Paptest with genetic screening of tumor DNA. The development of kits that exploit the new NGS technologies fits well into the programmatic research objectives at regional, national and European level.
Description: Epithelial ovarian cancer (OC) is the leading cause of gynecologic cancer-related deaths in women, primarily because most patients present with advanced-stage disease. Moreover, in the last 20 years, the incidence rate of another gynecologic cancer, endometrial cancer (EC), has increased by 125% worldwide and despite improved diagnosis and treatment methods, up to 30% of EC patients are primarily diagnosed with stage III or IV EC and have poor outcomes. Cervical cancer, on the other hand, is much less frequent in developed countries thanks to the wide availability and effectiveness of screening with the Pap test (Papanicolau test) patients allowing for early diagnosis and surgical therapy. Unlike cervical cancer, for OC and EC there are no primary (vaccination) or secondary (population screening) prevention tools that allow for an early diagnosis and timely therapeutic intervention. Also, the identification of endometrial and ovarian cancer cells through microscopy examination of the specimen often fails to discriminate such cells from benign conditions or from cervical tumors. Recently, it has been shown that malignant cells exfoliate from the ovaries and may be detected in Pap specimens, routinely collected through cervical cancer screening. By analyzing the cells shed from the cervix, the health state of other female reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and endometrium can be also evaluated. Endocervical DNA or intrauterine DNA can be obtained through vaginal tampons, intrauterine lavage, Pap smear, and Tao Brush to determine the presence of malignant tumor cells in the reproductive tract. Circulating tumor DNA is a type of cell-free DNA that accounts for a small part of circulating cell-free DNA. It is usually released from tumor tissues in vivo and harbors tumor-specific DNA mutations, which can be detected using massive parallel sequencing (NGS). In this project, we will develop NGS-based tumor DNA screening tests on cervical specimens, with the potential to increase the chances of early detection of endometrial and ovarian cancers in asymptomatic women. The purpose of the new test is to facilitate the diagnosis in non-advanced stages of endometrial, ovarian and cervical cancers, stages in which the cancer is still treatable, combining the cytological screening of the routine Paptest with genetic screening of tumor DNA. The development of kits that exploit the new NGS technologies fits well into the programmatic research objectives at regional, national and European level.

ENTI TERZI - non associata a curriculum

- Tematica generica del dottorato
Ente finanziatore: IIT - Istituto Italiano di tecnologia
Competenze richieste: nessuna competenza specifica richiesta

Il candidato sceglierà una o più tematiche in fase di presentazione della candidatura on line

Valutazione titoli
Qualifications assessment

(1) Percorso degli studi universitari, tenendo conto di: (a) media dei voti conseguiti durante la laurea triennale e magistrale (oppure eventuale laurea a ciclo unico), (b) laurea in corso (limitatamente alla laurea magistrale oppure laurea a ciclo unico), (c) ammissione a Scuole di Studi Avanzati o ammissione a percorsi di eccellenza. (2) Percorso scientifico: Si considereranno eventuali pubblicazioni, esperienze di ricerca nazionali internazionali (incluso Erasmus), corsi di formazione, finanziamenti e borse di studio per la ricerca.
TITLES (max 35 points)
(1) Academic titles: average grade resulting from the list of the exams; master degree obtained within the prescribed time period; admission to Schools of Advanced Studies/Excellence Programs.
(2) Scientific titles: publications, national and international research experiences (including Erasmus), research fellowships and grants, training courses.

Prova scritta
Written examination

PROVA SCRITTA (max 45 punti)
Punteggio minimo dello scritto per l'ammissione alla prova orale: 25/45
Minimum score for admission to the oral examination: 25/45

Prova orale
Oral interview

PROVA ORALE (max 40 punti)
L'esame orale consisterà di due parti: (1) Presentazione di un progetto di ricerca: Il candidato deve presentare un progetto che sia coerente con le linee di ricerca del corso di dottorato in Genetica e Biologia Molecolare (i progetti di ricerca per il 38° ciclo sono disponibili sul sito web del corso di dottorato). La valutazione sarà basata su: chiarezza espositiva e conoscenza del background scientifico; fattibilità, originalità ed innovatività del progetto; pertinenza rispetto alle tematiche del corso di dottorato. Si noti che NON deve essere inviato un progetto scritto e che la presentazione non prevede l'uso di computer. (2) Valutazione delle competenze: Al candidato verranno rivolte domande inerenti aspetti generali della genetica e biologia molecolare, per verificarne l'adeguatezza delle conoscenze nel campo. Al termine dell'esame orale è prevista una prova di conoscenza della lingua inglese. Il test consisterà nella lettura e traduzione di un paragrafo o di un riassunto di un articolo in inglese su un argomento proprio delle tematiche del dottorato.

Punteggio minimo globale per l’ammissione al corso di dottorato: 80/120.
INTERVIEW (max 40 points).
The oral examination consists of two parts: Project presentation and evaluation of the competences. (1) Research project: the candidate must present a project (without the use of media support) coherent with the research lines of the PhD course in Genetics and Molecular Biology (research projects for the 38° cycle are available on the web site). Evaluation will be based on: clarity of the presentation and knowledge of the state of the art; originality and innovation of the content; project feasibility; pertinence of the project with the PhD course objectives. Please note that a written project is NOT requested. (2) Evaluation of the candidate’s knowledge on general topics inherent to genetics and molecular biology. The interview will be followed by a test aimed to verify the candidate’s knowledge of the English language. The test will consist in reading and translating a paragraph of a scientific article in English on a topic related to the themes of the doctorate.

Minimum global score for admission to the PhD programme: 80/120

Informazioni e recapiti
contacts and info
Silvia Lopizzo (; phone: (+39) 06 49912086 Fulvio Cruciani (; phone: (+39) 06 49912826
Eventuali ulteriori informazioni
more info
Esempi delle prove scritte degli anni passati sono disponibili sul sito web del corso di dottorato:
L'elenco dei progetti disponibili per il 38° ciclo sarà disponibile sul sito web del corso di dottorato.
Examples of past years' written examinations are available on the Ph.D. course website:
The list of available scientific projects for the 38th cycle will also be available on the same Ph.D. course website.

Curriculum studiorum

- data e voto di laurea (obbligatorio)
Graduation date and grade of the Master's degree
- elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea MAGISTRALE e relative votazioni (obbligatorio)
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Masters's degree
- elenco degli esami sostenuti per la laurea TRIENNALE e relative votazioni
Graduation date and grade of the Bachelor's degree
- data e voto della laurea TRIENNALE
detailed list of exams including completion dates and scores of Bachelor's degree
- elenco cronologico di Borse di studio, Assegni di ricerca (et similia) percepiti
History of Scholarships, Research Grants (or similar)
- Diplomi/certificati di conoscenza lingue estere
Certificates of Foreign Languages
- Diplomi/attestati di partecipazione di corsi universitari post-lauream
Certificates of participation in post-graduate university courses
- Attestati di partecipazione a gruppi di ricerca
certificates of Participation in research groups
- Attestati di partecipazione a stage
certificates of Participation in internships
- Altri riconoscimenti (p. es.: premiazione in concorsi, seconda laurea)
Other University Awards/Degrees (e.g.: awards in competition, second degree)
- Conoscenze informatiche
computer skills

Ulteriore documentazione richiesta ai candidati
Additional documentation required

elenco delle pubblicazioni non obbligatorio/optional
Sono ammessi: articoli, libri e capitoli di libro, abstract di congressi. Solo
elenco, non caricare i singoli prodotti. In assenza dell'elenco, le pubblicazioni non saranno valutate.

The following products are allowed: articles, books and book chapters, conference abstracts. Only list, do not upload individual products. In the absence of the list, publications will not be evaluated., da caricare entro 25/08/2022
altro documento: Certificato di ammissione a percorsi universitari di eccellenza/Scuole di Studi Avanzati (Certificate of admission to academic excellence programs or Schools for Advanced Studies) non obbligatorio/optional
E' ammessa l'autocertificazione.
Self-certification admitted, da caricare entro 25/08/2022
altro documento: Autocertificazione di laurea magistrale in corso (Self-certification of master degree obtained within the time foreseen to complete the course) obbligatorio/mandatory
Il candidato deve presentare un’autocertificazione specificando se ha
ottenuto (oppure se laureando, prevede di ottenere) il titolo di laurea
magistrale nei tempi previsti (laurea “in corso”) oppure oltre i tempi previsti
(laurea “fuori corso”).

Candidates must upload a self-certification that clearly states whether or
not they have obtained (or will obtain if they are undergraduates) their master
degree within the scheduled time foreseen to complete the course.
, da caricare entro 25/08/2022

Competenza linguistica richiesta ai candidati
Language Skills

Il candidato dovrà obbligatoriamente conoscere le seguenti lingue:
the candidate will have to know the following languages

Diario delle prove concorsuali
Exam Schedule

Valutazione titoli
Qualifications assessment
pubblicazione sull'albo/publication on notice boardNO
pubblicazione sul sito internet/publication on the web siteSI
indirizzo del sito/web site
giorno della pubblicazione/date of publication02/09/2022
info e recapiti/ (coordinator); (secretary)

Prova scritta
Written examination
aula/classroomAula Montalenti - Edificio Genetica (CU022)
indirizzo/addressPle Aldo Moro 5
pubblicazione sull'albo/publication on notice boardNO
pubblicazione sul sito internet/publication on the web siteSI
indirizzo del sito/web site
giorno della pubblicazione/date of publication09/09/2022
info e recapiti/;

Prova orale
Oral interview
aula/classroomAula Montalenti - Edificio Genetica (CU022)
indirizzo/addressPle Aldo Moro 5, Rome, Italy
pubblicazione sull'albo/publication on notice boardNO
pubblicazione sul sito internet/publication on the web siteSI
indirizzo del sito/web site
giorno della pubblicazione/date of publication15/09/2022
info e recapiti/;

Griglie di valutazione
Evaluation scale

Valutazione titoli
Qualifications assessment

Prova scritta
Written examination

Prova orale
Oral interview
