Associate professor

email: lorenzo.piazzo@uniroma1.it

Lorenzo Piazzo received his BSc, MSc (1991) and PhD (1995) from Sapienza University of Rome. From 1994 to 1996 he was a consultant for Space Engineering S.p.A. From 1997 to 2019 he was Assistant Professor. Since 2020 he is Associate Professor at Sapienza.

His main research lines are: OFDM transmission (phase noise, resource allocation); UWB transmission (system analysis and optimisation in the presence of ISI, MUI and NBI); software for space instruments (Herschel and SPICA missions); processing of infrared astrophysical images (PACS, SPIRE, NIKA2, SCUBA2 and B-BOP instruments). He carried out research on several other topics, including Multi-Hop, ad-hoc and optical networks, SAR, ECG and GPS signal processing and Artificial intelligence.

He is author or coauthor of about 60 scientific papers. He was a member of the TCP board of about 30 international conferences and had roles in about 20 national and international research projects. He cooperated with several institutions, including INAF, ESA, SRON, NASA, ASI, CEA.

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